Entries by Brenda Sorenson

The FTC On Identity Fraud’s Biggest Threat

pymnts.com “Accounts being taken over is becoming a less challenging threat than fraudulent accounts and synthetic identity frauds, where stolen data is attached to fabricated accounts and identities. Because in those cases, the merchant and the creditor don’t know you, outside of the authentication information you provide up front.”-John Krebs (Manager of Identity theft program […]

Equifax Just Changed the Rest of Your Life

nerdwallet.com “Credit freezes lock down your credit reports in a way that should prevent “new account fraud,” or bogus accounts being opened in your name. But there are so many other ways the bad guys can use the information they stole, which included Social Security numbers, birthdates, addresses and some driver’s license numbers. Others include: […]

Vendor Integrations Break New Ground For Super ID

The latest release of the Tascet Super ID client application takes its reputation as a clean, simple and user-friendly user interface (UI) to new heights with a newly redesigned and refreshed UI that further simplifies and consolidates its core functionality. The financial services version also introduces seamless integration with a number of the most popular […]

The White House and Equifax Agree: Social Security Numbers Should Go – Bloomberg

bloomberg.com Finally. Is now the time to remind everyone that the SSN was never meant to be used to verify identity? The SSN doesn’t need to be replaced for its intended purpose – to track income for tax purposes. Somewhere along the way, things went awry. Remember when SSNs were on our driver’s licenses?? How […]

Study Shows Health Workers Frequently Share EHR Passwords

healthcaredive.com “Researchers found widespread sharing of EHR passwords, putting patients’ personal health information at risk, according to Healthcare Informatics Research.” It is clear that even employees do not view and/or adhere to pins and passwords being an effective way to secure access to data. Employers need to take this seriously, as they will be the […]

Summit Credit Union Sues Equifax

pymnts.com “Financial institutions will also need to take other necessary steps to protect themselves and their members or customers, including notifying members or customers, as appropriate, that their accounts may have been compromised.” It’s not enough to just communicate to your customers that they may or may not have been hacked and that their personal […]